Family business
And it happened after the worst year of his life. He had just lost his leg as visible in photograph and had not had many opportunities in the woods but as evident in the photo he made the most of it with this monster 184 in Indiana. He is now obviously a big fan of the Brenneke 3” Gold Magnum. He will not shoot another slug from his shotgun and has been promoting the Brenneke brand ever since trying and using them.
The second photograph may not appear to be a big deal, but when my youngest daughter, Megan, came to me and asked me to take her hunting I think my smile was actually bigger than hers in the photo with the 7 point management buck. We saw numerous deer on opening youth gun season in Ohio and talked throughout the hunt of what we were looking for in a mature animal or a management buck. She had obviously paid attention either to my lessons or the all the hunting shows as she immediately knew this was a good management buck missing a brow tine. She remained calm and used a Remington 870 with the same shell I used the year before, the Brenneke 12 gauge Green Lightning. The trophy dropped in the spot of the shot. While she may be ready for television premier I obviously wasn’t ready to be a good cameraman as I forgot to hit the record button.
Ray Wyatt