Condensed Power Hitting the Mark.
Good tools are essential for success. Hence, expert hunting and high-performance ammunition belong together. BRENNEKE ammunition links both: enormous knockdown power and best possible game preservation. Its sharp cutting edge and outstanding penetration efficiency ensure an exit wound and clear signs for stalking.
Stay on the safe side. In every situation.
No kidding: If you take the "big pill", you want big impact – with as little risks and side effects as possible. The BRENNEKE slug is designed for huge mass stopping power that excels the impact of any bullet – on drive hunts as well as on African big game. And it comes with an important safety factor for hunters: since it flies at a relatively slow speed a diverted slug can be heard easily. Read more
1865 – 2015
We celebrate the pioneer of modern hunting ammunition.
The only ammunition available for hunters in the early 20th century was the one used by armed forces. Wilhelm Brenneke revolutionized an ammunition that followed best hunting principles. The aim was to kill game without causing unnecessary wounds or suffering.
Best Practice
Let's get straight to the point: a pioneer's experience is priceless. Yet, BRENNEKE hunting ammunition – rifle as well as slug – is renowned for its excellent price-performance ratio.
We are proud to offer you true German craftsmanship – because 120 years after the invention of the shotgun bullet our focus is still on quality and precision. There is no question about it, if you are looking for original expert hunting ammunition, the answer is simply: BRENNEKE.